New customer manual Wet Benches

At Goldenfab, we understand that each facility has its own unique processing requirements. Over 40 years of experience in the business has enabled us to build a vast satisfied customer base with references upon request. We sell new and used solutions to meet your business requirements and will meticulously work with your teams to find the right solution. We can provide a wide array of wet bench configurations for academia, semiconductor manufacturing, research laboratories, and other businesses. Goldenfab is also very committed to service after the sale.

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About Customer Projects

Wet bench operations often have special requirements that standard equipment can’t easily meet. A supplier with in-house manufacturing can customize wet benches to exactly suit your applications. Key features that increase flexibility include:

– Interchangeable modules or components

– Options for different configurations and features

While you need precise control of process variables, the systems can be flexible with regard to the variables themselves as well as the chemicals, materials, and substrates used. For R&D applications, such flexibility satisfies evolving experimental needs. For industrial applications, flexible systems can meet changing operational conditions and can facilitate integration with existing equipment if required.
